How to Create Space in Your Children’s Bedroom

You may have planned to move into a bigger house after all your children were born, but sometimes life doesn’t work out the way you want.

That means that we must make our living space work for us. If you have two or three children who must share a small bedroom, there are ways to maximize the space while making it both comfortable and fun.

One of the best solutions is buying a bunk bed with trundle and storage drawers.

What’s a Bunk Bed?

Bunk beds are basically stacked beds, or one bed on stop with another bed below, or storage, and a desk or couch below.

Today, you can even purchase a triple bunk bed with storage steps. In this setup, one of the beds slides out from beneath the lower one, so there are actually spots for three mattresses.

There are variations, such as the trundle bunk bed with storage where there may be storage space beneath the bottom bed, or to the left or right sides of the bed. For I space bunk beds with storage, the structure is in an “I” shape. You can also buy bunk beds with an “L” arrangement.

A bunk bed with trundle and storage will have space where you can store clothing or toys, while another bed or trundle can be pulled out and used as required, such as if guests are staying overnight.

All bunk beds have stairs, so your child can easily climb up to the top, then back down again.

Won’t a Bunk Bed Age My House?

In the past, bunk beds were ugly brown-coloured items of furniture. They served a purpose but weren’t good for those who love interior decorating. The great news is that today, you don’t have to settle for an ugly bunk bed for your children’s bedroom.

There are plenty of options where the bunk beds are designed with modern aesthetics. A bunk bed with trundle and storage is one of the best solutions for both function and making a child’s bedroom look modern.

There are also different colour options for your bunk beds with storage stairs. You have the option to have a white pine wood finish, natural pine wood finish, grey wood finish, white or black metal day bed with trundle, and dark wood options.

You can even paint the beds yourself if you want a bright colour.

How to Create a Fun Environment for Children

You can buy bunk bed tents that children can use for their playtime. Having a tent or small “cottage” will be a fun way for them to play during the day in an already small bedroom.

You can also put some of their soft toys and dolls on the beds. If you have a high sleeper with storage steps, a desk with lamp can be placed underneath, helping you to save even more space. You can place a small couch and rug for leisure space too.

How to Get My Child to Sleep on the Upper Bed

It’s actually not as difficult as you think. Children are always eager to explore and have fun.

They’ll enjoy climbing up the stairs to reach the top. You may want to supervise the first time they climb up and down, until they feel comfortable enough in doing so.

We generally recommend that older children over the age of six years old use the top bunk bed. This will also help to settle the matter of which child gets to sleep on top.

Once both your children are over aged six, they can take turns in sharing the top bunk. You may also wish to ask them. Sometimes a child may prefer sleeping on the bottom bunk anyway, so you may not have a battle on your hands!

What Type of Bunk Beds Should I Get?

First decide who will be using the bunk beds and if your family will be expanding. Some bunk beds with storage stairs can be expanded to add another bed, so if that’s important, read the listings.

The desk or couch can be moved to the wall and another bed and mattress added.

Perhaps you have relatives visiting, or your children’s friend wants to stay overnight. You can have a bunk bed with trundle and storage that can easily be pulled out for the night, and then quickly stowed away in the morning.

Also decide which wall the bunk beds will rest against. Will the bed be parallel to the wall, or will the head of the bunk bed be against the wall?

It’s best to work out the floor plan before you buy, as it’s more difficult returning a bulky bunk bed because you forgot to dig out the measuring tape.

Also consider how much storage space you have in the bedroom already. Is there a closet or space for a wardrobe or dresser and drawers? Is there a toy chest for your child’s toys?

If not, you’ll want to consider buying a bunk bed with storage drawers underneath, or one with shelves or cupboard that are attached outside of the beds.

Where Do I Buy a Bunk Bed with Trundle and Storage?

You can shop for children’s bunk beds with storage stairs on our Bunk Beds with Stairs website.

Here you can scroll through various photographs with prices, then click on the listings to find out where to buy them today. Most of the bunk beds are sold directly by furniture stores or manufacturers, so you don’t have to worry about buying damaged second hand goods.

The full dimensions and specifications will also be listed for each bunk bed so you can measure your child’s bedroom to ensure that your new I shaped bunk beds with storage actually will fit your home.

Now that you’ve found the perfect solution for a bunk bed with trundle and storage, you can start shopping on our bunk beds with stairs website.

Soon your children’s bedroom will become neat and organized, with plenty of space to store toys and have fun!